Sunday, March 30, 2008

Easter Festivities

We had a great week celebrating the Easter Season. The weekend before Easter we attended an Egg Scramble at Vet's Park, which was more like a free for all in the mud. Great fun for the kids, not so much fun for the inside of our van. Later in the week we colored eggs and had a ball seeing who could get theirs the darkest shade. Each day during the week we tried to talk about the Savior's week before the resurrection. It really made Sunday more meaningful, not to mention helping our week to be better too. The Saturday before Easter some ward friends were getting together to do an egg hunt for the kids. With the 5+ inches of snow we got the night before, it turned into a sledding/egg hunt outing. It was actually really fun because the snow made it easy to hide the eggs (you could just throw them on the ground and they would vanish) and it made it pleasingly difficult for even the big kids to find the eggs. The Easter Bunny has been so kind to agree to come to our house on Saturday before Easter Sunday. This has worked wonderfully for our family, allowing us to focus on candy and stuff on Saturday, and the Savior on Sunday. The Easter Bunny had a junior Bunny helper this year which I read on his blog was a super cool new thing for him and the junior Bunny (I am trying to be vague, but if you are thoroughly confused, please let me know!) The hunt for the candy was a riot this year with Lucy being the star of the show. She was a little shocked by all the candy around and that we were letting her eat whatever she wanted. She had her little fists full of candy, and the eggs that were not wrapped would immediately go into her mouth. I think she was afraid we would all of a sudden tell her she couldn't eat any more so she was going for as much as she could as quickly as she could. That day she learned to say "candy" and her new favorite word was "open". It was pretty funny.

Sunday was a delight with no bishopric meeting in the morning (thank you kind Bishop!) so Byron was able to help get everyone ready and we all drove to church together. What an Easter treat for me! We had a yummy ham dinner with some friends, the Mitchells, and our next door neighbor, Flo. I was so glad we had been talking about the life of Christ throughout the week, because I had multiple "friends of other faiths" ask me if we celebrated Easter. I was able to tell them a little about our focus on the Savior and how grateful I am for the resurrection. And of course, back to real priorities, I had to get some shots of Lucy in her cute hand-me-down Easter dress (thanks, Emily!) and her snow queen coat direct from Gma and Gpa Garn in Hong Kong. I thought it was too funny with her out there in her spring dress checking out the snow. She did not want to come inside even though it was freezing. Good times, good times!


Jana said...

I love that you do Easter like us - Saturday/Sunday! It really does keep it 'right' for the kiddies and its fun to sit in the back of Primary and listen to my kids answer all the questions because they already know!

Thanks for the kind blog compliments - I am trying to keep it real - real me. Does B every blog? Tell him to read my blog and then he'll get the bug!!

Rod will blog when MI turns warm and AZ freezes over!

Do the Garry's blog - how are they? I would love to connect with them and see cute kidders - why don't you take care of that ... gettting them to blog, alrightie?

Anonymous said...

What great ideas! We'll keep note for next year. I love all of lucy's cute bows, and pretty blue dress! It is hard to find an easter dress warm enough for AA.

Amy said...

Looks like a very fun and COLD Easter. You guys are troopers for doing it outside - either that or totally insane. Lucy looks so cute in the dress. Isn't it a pain to iron?? That's the downer of the dress for sure.

The Jones Fam said...

It's such a rip-off to have snow on Easter! No sign of life there! Curse the Midwest! I'm glad you guys made the best of it though- it actually looks like fun. Cute kiddies!


Byron said...

For Amy, of course I don't know about ironing it--Byron did it! :)

Marcie and Holly said...

I don't know about easter egg hunting in snow?! I have NEVER seen that before. I LOVE Lucy's dress, especially her jacket! Stunning!

Colette Goodman said...

I can't even imagine snow on Easter. You are awesome to still have an egg hunt. Lucy looks darling in her dress. I love hand-me-down's. I still get all of Whitney's hand-me-downs. I don't like I have bought Hallee and "new" piece of clothes in about a year. Poor deprived child.

The Jones Fam said...

There is nothing like a nice, snowy Easter! Your kids are so cute and getting so big! I love Lucy in her dress! Whenever I buy Amy a new holiday dress I always wish they have a matching fluffy dress in my size! I would wear my wedding dress to church if it was socially acceptable or if Jake would let me...
ps I know I am slow, but I put comments on your previous posts too! I am sure you are on the edge of your seat in anticipation!
...I meant slow in commenting.

Amy said...

Okay, you HAVE to check out David Freestone's latest post about Mandi's grandpa. It seriously may be the best post I've ever seen. Don't miss the video either.

Oh, and you're dumb for not ironing the dress. Byron, you're my hero.

An said...

What a great post! Thanks!

Courtney said...

Easter in the snow...gotta love it! Looks like a blast and your little Lucy is such a cutie!

thebigcookiefam said...

I have never seen an Easter egg hunt in the snow before! So unheard of here. You guys are the best parents ever, I am so impressed that you took the opportunity to talk to your kids about the Savior the week before easter. Great example!

Jana said...

Michelle - I emailed you a big ol' long email bout templates that makes no sense but I don't know if you are still on sbcglobal???

Let me know if not and I'll call you with a big ol' long email about templates.

Nichols Family said...

It's so funny. I never would have known people actually have snowy Easters until I lived in the Midwest last year! Ha! Boy was I ever living in a bubble growing up in AZ. :)

HW said...

Want to hear something bad? We totally dissed the Easter bunny this year. He just didn't even come. We did color eggs and hide them for each other, but we had absolutely no bunny or candy. (Except the mountains of sugar provided by over-zealous primary teachers.) I'm such a scrooge!

RicAnn said...

I finally made it to your blog! Your kids are so stinkin cute! Lucy is to die for :) It looks like you had a great Easter. I can't wait till it warms up and we can play outside everyday :) I think that is on everyones wish list.

Jana said...

yes! Of course I want the recipes but you can just email them to or my regular email if thats easier than the comment thing.

Looked for your G dad this weekend - was he on the end of a row? I think I saw his back. But I make stuff like that up all the time.