Monday, March 17, 2008

Jack Of All Trades

We were trying to remember how long ago Jack began racing. We do not remember him racing in Milwaukee, but vividly remember him racing when we lived at Grandpa Harbaugh's house during Byron's intern year of residency, which would've made Jack 4 years old. So for the last 4 years any time Byron or I leave the house in the car, Jack wants to RACE. He waits until we are pulled out to the middle of the street, counts to three with his fingers, then takes off as fast as he can. Sometimes he races all the way down the street, but usually he goes just one house away, raises his arms in victory, then turns around and goes back inside the house. Jack is PASSIONATE about racing! He loves it and nothing deters him from doing it. So much so in fact, that we have had to make rules about racing over the years. Jack can no longer race before 7 am and cannot race after 8:30 pm. These rules have come after episodes like this where Jack could hear Byron leaving for the hospital at 10 pm or so and was devistated that we wouldn't let him race. He has also lost "racing privileges" at times for leaving the door wide open consecutive mornings, letting our beautiful Michigan winter into our home. As you can tell from the pictures, even the weather doesn't discourage this kid. He will plow through snow or carry an umbrella. He doesn't even care if other people are in the car, and some of you lucky people may have had the privilege of driving somewhere with us and racing this speed demon of ours. This all sounds pretty intense, but mostly it is just such a normal part of our day now that we don't even notice it as being unique. The other day when there was a ton of snow and I once again thought he was crazy for wanting to go out there and race, it occurred to me that I needed to capture this and write about it because it really defines Jack and makes up who he is. He is an ambitious, driven kid when he wants to be. The years seem to be racing by and I don't ever want to forget my boy happily racing along beside me! (Notice the pajamas and my boots, sweet combo!)


The Jones Fam said...

Moon boots? Luckyyyyyy!

Best post ever! I had no idea about this! What a funny kid. It will be a sad day when he finally outgrows this. And I love that racing is not a right, it's a privilege in your house. Definitely use that as leverage!

We are so excited to see you guys again this summer! Caleb still talks about jumping on the trampoline with Jack and Max last summer. It was his favorite part of the trip.


julie williams said...

That is so dang cute!! He's going to be on the track team someday and I hope it's at Mt. View so we can cheer him on. I noticed the pajama bottoms and boots first off. I laughed out loud!! I'm so glad he doesnt' let the snow stop him. If you lived here he would have to deal with the heat. Weather is something we all deal with, it's either cold winters or hot summers!! I can't believe how much Jack and Lucy look alike!! They remind me so much of your family. All of your children are beautiful!! Lucky mommy
Take care and STAY WARM!!!

julie williams said...

Question for much longer do you have in Michigan? Do you have any idea where you'll go from there? Any hope of coming home? I'm sure your sick of the cold but with summer quickly approaching I think that looks great! I hate our long hot summers!! But family is great and that's why we stay.

Amy said...

That is soooo much snow! Jack is so funny, and crazy for going out in that kind of weather. I didn't even recognize your street in that top picture. It looks like an apt. complex parking lot to me because of all the snow. Byron must have gotten a new car?

Amy said...

I forgot to tell you that if you really want to know what an ibex is you can look it up on Check out my new post too.

LL said...

How fun! I remember my cousins would always race us when we were leaving their house and I thought that was the coolest thing. Happy memories!

The Jones Fam said...

Good post Michelle! I actually got choked up when you talked about how the years keep racing by and you want to remember your boy happily racing beside you! So sweet! It was fun to talk to you the other day! I can't wait to see you guys this summer!

The Jones Fam said...

Hey look! It worked! I actually posted on your blog!
-Nat again....

Janie said...

Go Jack! Keep on racing!

kami said...

Just looking at your pictures reminded me why we left the mid-west :-) Although...Logan's winters aren't that much better than Milwaukee's.

It was fun to read about Jack and his racing. My mom "races" our van every time we leave her house. Our kids totally enjoy it and think she is the greatest NaNa ever! So maybe Jack won't out grow racing and he'll be racing with his grand kids one day.

Also...I agree with your comment about the awesome zoos in the mid-west. They are truly an experience!

Courtney said...

priceless! So cute and what a great way to document the passion of youth!

Elizabeth said...

Awesome! Do you think it will help my little guy release come energy to try this? It seems right up his alley...

thebigcookiefam said...

Oh my gosh! best post I have read! I love that it captures him and his personality! The things that are so typical in your house like this is what you will miss the most when it is gone! But, I have to say, I love that you have had to put limitations on his racing soooo funny!