Tuesday, May 6, 2008

4th Baby Bliss

Our little Sam is now four months old and he has been so much fun to have around. We were quite nervous for #4 baby to come along, mostly because Lucy was going to be so little and her behavior would be a complete wild card, and also because 4 kids is a LOT of kids. I think we were so geared up for life to be completely chaotic that when it has come down to being just chaotic, we have found it all to be very enjoyable. Most of this comes from finally having some experience under our belts, but also because Sam is really a good baby (ok, and because Byron is in his research year and is more flexible than ever before.) Here are some of the things we have decided are quite nice about having a fourth baby:

  • knowing he can cry for 5, 10, or 15 minutes and he is NOT going to die or even remember it just a few minutes later
  • knowing that yes, schedules are nice and make for happy babies, but they are bound to get messed up easily (shots, sickness, travel, growth spurt, etc.) so chill out and be more flexible
  • knowing that when schedules get messed up, it really only takes a few days to get back on a schedule so chill out and be more flexible
  • we can change a diaper faster than Dash
  • watching the older kids love him and include him in their play (LOVE this, it's got to be my favorite thing about having more kids)
  • feeling confident that Jack really can carry him all over the house, including down the stairs
  • knowing that I really can lose THAT much hair in one washing and I really won't go bald
  • telling people that are admiring our two little ones that we have two bigger ones at school (I love the reactions)
  • my mom being willing to come for 6 weeks when Sam was born (no, that's not a typo, yes, I know I'm spoiled and I love it!)
  • knowing that it really is a short amount of time that I will be sleep deprived and nursing nonstop, so it really isn't that bad
  • knowing that it really is a short amount of time that he will be a little baby and just relish in his every detail: from the smells to the smiles to the touches
  • realizing that I have had 3 other babies so I should know what to do, but that even though I can't remember anything, it's ok and Sam will survive
  • having really low expectations of self and house because wow, we've got 4 kids
Of course there have been times when it has been overly hectic because of the baby plus 3 other kids, but I try to picture dealing with it all as if he were my first baby and I am so grateful he is my fourth. I'm sure he will be more adjusted and easy going than my others. Come to think of it, I am a fourth baby and my mom always said I was such a joy. Little did I know it had way more to do with her view of things than really how I was as a baby. (Dang, I thought I was special!) I realize now it was just the 4th baby bliss!


Jana said...

Dang, that baby is cute!

They do grow up too fast, but honey when am I not going to be sleep deprived???? No, I'm not milking for the baby but just last night I went to bed at 11:00 and woke up at 3:00 worried and thinking about one of the young 'ens.

Mother's are never NOT sleep deprived.

jenny said...

Isn't it amazing how the little things we used to freak out with our first doesn't even matter. Our 4th gets away with murder because all he has to do is smile. Your little Sam is a doll and that laugh is so cute.

jenny said...

Isn't it amazing how the little things we used to freak out with our first doesn't even matter. Our 4th gets away with murder because all he has to do is smile. Your little Sam is a doll and that laugh is so cute.

Courtney said...

what a cute post of little Sam! He's such a doll and so perfect for #4! Oh the things we learn along this crazy journey called motherhood...wonderful and INSANE all rolled into one!

Amy said...

Hey Glitch,

Emily and I are waiting for Dallin to wake up and she loves all the pics and the video. Sam is so cute and getting so big. His laugh is so darling. I love the new blog! Very cute and I love the wallpaper. I need some tips on how to do it. I liked what you had to say - it's a good reality check, even if I only have two kids.

Melissa said...

Yeah! I am so glad we can spy on each other out in the open! What a cute baby!

Karen said...

Wow Michelle, check out your blog! Those are some cute faces :) And Im a total rookie still, and totally sleep deprived. James is now 4 months and still waking up a lot in the night...and I keep getting sick, oh yeah and getting back to sleep is pretty much nonexistant...any suggestions/tips from the expert? If you have time to email me karenmatsen@yahoo.com that would be awesome. Thanks ;)

Jana said...

Oh, that is so fun to hear about S&D... didn't know what had come of them after school and such! He was such a good newsie, and friend! Tell them howdie doo from me!

An said...

l made the mistake of showing this clip to the baby to Esther. Now we watch it 20+ times a day! "Baby Sam, Baby Sam!"

angelic pursuits said...

Oh, Michelle, hearing a baby laugh has got to be one of my absolute favorite things! Thanks for sharing that. And thanks for letting us know that being a mother is hard (I feel like so many other blogger moms out there have it so much easier than me!) and that it, of course, is SO WORTH IT!

HW said...

I loved this post. It is exactly the right sentiment about that fourth baby. I'm so glad you're experiencing it. You're one of the best moms I know. Lucky Sam!

Lady Cayt said...

so relieved to know that having number 4 will NOT be the end of my sanity ... we're a little nervous, but excited stepping out in faith with this one :)