Thursday, April 30, 2009

MI Fave #2 SPRING!!

Spring in Michigan is amazing.

Unless you have lived somewhere where it does this:

you could NEVER appreciate this:
I have lived in Utah where it snows, and snows even more than here in Michigan, but it is different. Michigan winters are DIFFERENT. But, since this is a post about the favorite things of Michigan, I will definately NOT talk about the winter....

I love that when there is a random "warm" day in March, you know, around 55 degrees, you see hoards of people out jogging, playing outside, walking dogs (does everyone in Ann Arbor own a dog, by the way???), and all in their shorts and tees! Love it!

I love the light greenish yellow glow that all the thousands of trees get when they start to bloom. They drop the same greenish yellow color on the streets below and everything seems alive. Two weeks later, poof, you can't even see branches anymore and the leaves are bright true green, full as if they have always been that way. (There aren't many trees like this in AZ, you can tell this girl is fascinated...)
I love that the trees that don't bloom green bloom PINK. And I love that I now have a daughter who loves pink and notices every single pink tree out there, and that is ALOT, mm, hmmm. These trees are awesome, little tiny flowers bloom really close to the branches so they look like fuzzy pink catepillars instead of tree limbs. They go from fuscia to light pink, eventually fall and turn green like all the other beautiful trees in ann arbor. Very cool, very girly!
I love that the sky is finally BLUE, with occasional white puffy clouds that actually have form to them (unlike the before mentioned evil winter...)

I love that Sam was confused and fascinated by his shadow because it was the first time in his life he had a chance to run around outside with a shadow following him.
I love the bright yellow Forsythia plants scattered throughout Ann Arbor. I love that our neighbor Flo taught us about forsythia and every spring when they start to bloom and we are driving around town we randomly shout out "Forsythia!!" every time we see these beauties.
I love the tulips and daffodils that pop up all over the neighborhoods, smiling at us, even through the late snowfall. It confirms that the snow will not overpower like it does in November, but that the sun and blue sky will be back. These flowers make me smile everytime I see them. You wouldn't have thought it'd take me 4 years to plant some of our own. It did. But we are enjoying them now and hopefully every spring I can think of my tulips and daffodils that are popping up in Ann Arbor, still making other people smile.I love that we can sleep with our windows open and feel the crisp cool air, but not freeze!

I love that I can run outside again. Hoooray!

Most of all, I love that we can spend all our time outside at the parks, on the trampoline, taking walks, doing bubbles or sidewalk chalk.... WHATEVER... it is outside and we are all much happier because of it.
Yes, we love SPRING!


Elizabeth said...

We don't own a dog, but I'm pretty sure everybody on my street owns one! I love how in the spring you see your neighbors again and revive the friendships!

Amy said...

Those are great spring pictures! The bit about Sam's shadow made me laugh, the poor sun-deprived kid! I'm glad it finally made it up your way. When you were here a month ago, you all said it was all still dead up there. We are still in awe at all the green beauty here.

By the way, the doc said today he'll induce at 39 weeks; "We'll get her here before the 4th (of July)," he said. BLESS HIM!!!!!

HW said...

I love redbuds too. And I love that Sam is running around outside. Just when did he get old enough to do that?!! Hope you had a great Mother's day. You are one of the mothers who inspires me.

kami said...

Spring in the mid-west is so exciting! It almost makes you forget how awful and long the winters are. Hooray for Spring!!!

Jill Freestone said...

Amen! we LOVE spring too! love the shadow confusion!

Dyan said...

Spring is the best. I too love the tulips. Can't wait to see you back in AZ though.

Janie said...

I think spring seems so much better in Michigan, because it follows winter in Michigan. The blossoms this year were so amazing, bigger and better than ever!