Monday, January 5, 2009

Birthday Stud

When I found out we would be having a baby in December, I felt horrible that we would be giving someone such a terrible birthday. I swore to myself we would not get his birthday lost in Christmas. Never. It would be special and separate and he would never get shafted. We're only at his FIRST birthday, and look, he already got shafted because his birthday post is AFTER a very lame Christmas post. Byron says, No poor Sam, he doesn't even know. I say poor Sam because I think it is just a glimpse of what is to come. Poor kid!

At least his birthday was great! This picture shows the very best thing about turning one: he is now a real kid that gets to travel like the rest of us. Way to go, little man!Sam had been cutting teeth for a couple of weeks prior to his birthday and had been CRANKY! But for his birthday he was back to his normal, happy, easy going self. It was great! I have always taken the camera into our kids' room on their first birthday so I could get a shot of them first thing. Here he is in his glory: Pink Binky and all... (fourth kid getting shafted with a left over older sister's Binky) The big kids were so excited for him to have his birthday, even if he didn't know the difference. So the whole thing was for them as much as him. They woke up to the table set up for a party with balloons and party hats, you know, the works! I decided to really spoil the kid which meant no errands! It was playtime at the mall with friends and chinese food for lunch.He loved dinner of black beans and rice (Freestone blood, I know...) and his "balloon" party. He got the biggest kick out of us singing Happy Birthday to him. He smiled so big and started laughing. We all loved it so much we did it again. He got his very own green balloon cupcake and devoured it way better than any of our kids on their first try. He didn't care much for his presents, but Lucy and the rest of us sure did. It was a fun day, and all in all, I don't think Sam Sam felt like he got shafted one bit. We'll have to see about future years when he will actually have an opinion... We sure love this baby!


Jaimee said...

Michelle, he is adorable. I love the pic of him with the cupcake in his mouth and eyes smiling at the camera---too cute! And, I'm with Byron, no poor looks like he had a great day! Way to go busy-with-four-kids-mom! :D Hope you enjoyed your holidays.

Jim said...

He is absolutely adorable! Keep worrying about his birthday! I have the same birthday problem, and it is the worst! Celebrate his half birthday in the summer... maybe that would help! Miss you guys!

Jana said...

He is such a cute little guy! Even if his birthday got the shaft.

Amy said...

Yea, Sam Sam!! He is so cute and looks SO BIG! The other day on skype, he looked so old. It sounds like he had a birthday to kill for and you can feel great about giving him such an awesome day!

Karen said...

Awesome Michelle, he's so dang cute! I wish James enjoyed his cupcake(see my blog ha ha)...I know..he totally got the shaft too, being a January baby! Although he doesnt care now, when he's 5 he will! Cute Christmas card too :)

The Jones Fam said...

Happy late birthday Sam! I guess my plan to make sure Chase's B-day doesn't get overlooked is hopeless... It looks like he had a great time! And I have been out of it too, cause I didn't know you are going back to AZ!!! Why would you want to do that? You don't like living in -30 weather? Congrats! I am so excited for you and jealous! We find out where we are going in March. Have fun with your mom in Feb. She is the greatest!

The Jones Fam said...

I just read your past few posts to catch up on you guys. I had to wait like 15 minutes for our 1998 dial-up internet to actually show everything, but it was totally worth the wait! Great news about AZ! (I hope it's official)! We are SO keeping our fingers crossed to end up close by there. And if we end up in Michigan, you'll have to tell us why we should be excited to move there. You guys have such good looking kids. It's fun to see how much they have grown!


Nichols Family said...

Happy B-day...what a sweetie! All your kids are so adorable. So AZ huh? Hope so!

Brian and Heidi said...

Hello anti-bloggites! It is time to update your blog. I keep checking back to see what is going on with your fam, but it seems like you have gone into a deep hibernation. Must be the Michigan cold.