So camping is fun, but it isn't my favorite thing. I like to go because I loved camping when I was a kid and I want my kids to have that experience. Well, camping with babies isn't fun. We have two. (Ok, so Lucy really isn't a baby anymore, but it is still two sets of diapers, two cribs, two high chairs, you get the point...) Well, camping it the rain REALLY isn't fun. It rained both nights we camped. So you would think we would have had a horrible, nightmare of an experience. Oddly enough, it was quite the opposite. We had a blast! I think there were a few things to our advantage: friends, the beach, and twin 12 year old girls! We met up with our long lost Ann Arbor friends and it was so great to catch up. Max and his bestest buddy of 3 years didn't just gel right away after the year hiatus, UNTIL they remembered their common passion : Computer Games! They sat like this for 45 minutes straight, totally captivated in conversation, it was a riot!
I basically didn't hold Sam for two days straight because he was passed from one set of eager hands to the next. Lucy thus had more Mommy AND Daddy time than she has had in a long time so she was super happy.
We camped at Warren Dunes off the "coast" of Lake Michigan. Basically Lake Michigan beaches RULE!! The sand is finer than California sand, the waves not quite as big but big enough to play in and not feel like you are going to get dragged out to sea. The greatest bonus is the FRESH WATER! You can actually clean off from the beach and get clean! It totally feels like you are at the ocean, but it is fresh lake water, AMAZING.
Plus there are incredible sand dunes close by that are super fun to climb up and jump or run down. The boys loved hiking and exploring, just couldn't get enough. We all had a ball and decided we definitely have to go back before the summer is over.
There are more friends going in August and we are thrilled because we realized that we DON'T have to go have another camping experience to enjoy the beach. I mean, why press our luck? Camping with babies and rain and mosquitos was great and all, ONCE, but who are we kidding? It couldn't be so great the next time, especially without the twins! We think we are the smartest people in just planning a day trip, and we can't wait for another day at the beach!
Monday, July 21, 2008
More Fun in the Sun
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Family, the Fourth, and Thirty Four
What a wonderful week we had. We were so lucky to have Byron's parents visit us for almost one whole week! They are on their way moving from Hong Kong to Salt Lake City via Ann Arbor then Mesa. They get to spend about 3 weeks in AZ but they have to spend their time at doctor and dentist appointments and split the rest with 5 children, 5 spouses and 23 grandkids. Well, we got them here at our house for 6 full days by ourselves!! We still feel so lucky. They came at the perfect time with the long 4th of July weekend, Byron's birthday and absolutely gorgeous weather. Ok, except for the huge storm that knocked our power out during our barbeque and stayed out for the next 30 some hours. Our kids thought it was the best barbeque ever and still ask if we can have another barbeque durning a rainstorm that knocks out the power. Sure, why not?
We celebrated Byron's birthday at Greenfield Village which is a Henry Ford museum of cool historical things village style. It was really interesting and fun to walk around while visiting.
We ended the day with nothing else but birthday dinner at Red Robin. We were too stuffed for cake, which was a good thing because our power was still out when we got home. No baking here! Byron got one candle on the candlestick Max shaped himself at Greenfield Village. What an awesome birthday for one great guy!
We were invited to breakfast and a bike parade on the 4th. It was so fun with great food, fun friends, perfect weather, and a relaxing atmosphere way better than any city parade. That night we had our own fireworks show in our backyard that was spectacular. Ok, maybe not spectacular, but it was super fun with fireflies adding their own sparkle of light, and knowing we weren't having to battle traffic and crowds.
Grandma and Grandpa got the MVP award for coming to help with family pictures. I knew we needed extras to help situate and make kids smile, and they not only fit the bill but were the best. They danced and told silly jokes and fixed clothes and basically were awesome! What a relief that is over -- pictures are never my favorite. We haven't seen them all but here is a sneak peak of the sneak peak we got. I'm quite excited (mostly that it is done!)
We spent the rest of the week doing the normal things like cooking and eating (a lot!), going on walks, church, and trying out fun gifts from Hong Kong. Mostly we just relished being together, letting the kids really get to know Grandma and Grandpa. It was so much fun, we are so sad they are gone. Lucy really took to Grandpa and today was asking for him, it was so cute. They definitely made a lasting impression!
Luckily Grandpa has a church assignment in the fall that will bring them back to Michigan. It made saying goodbye so much easier. We can't wait to see them again!